Holiday Countdown

Launching the rocket car.

This week we finally launched our rocket car. We put together the rocket last term using coke bottles, wheels, rods and lots of tape. Our rocket car was powered by the gas that is made when vinegar and baking soda are mixed inside the bottle.
Can you put together the puzzle of us and our super powered rocket car? Have a go!

Soccer Skills With United Soccer

This week we had a soccer skills session with the United soccer experts. Unfortunately the weather meant we were inside in the hall but that was perfect for playing Castles and Knights. Salmaan and Percy especially enjoyed this game where you needed to defend your ball from the knights who would kick it away.
Look at us giving David Beckham a run for his money!!

Funky Eye Friday

BubbleShare: Share photos - Halloween contest

At the end of the term we made glasses for a Funky Eye Friday parade. This event is organised by the Royal NZ Foundation of the Blind to promote awareness about eyecare and help make wearing glasses cool! We took the outline off Ha Eun's glasses for our eye holes. This meant we could design our frames from these holes and the frames fitted our eyes. Clever!!! If you want to see students from other schools glasses for Funky Eye Friday visit this link.